Logdate 5/16/2001
Work on the PC Shay is continuing although slowly at times. With that said, let me recap what has transpired since the last report and include a few pictures.
- The valve crosshead guides have been completed and mounted.
- The three top cylinder heads have been fabricated, drilled, and mounted.
- The reversing link assemblies have been completed.
- The piston rod to piston connection dilemma has been resolved with the use of small jam nuts.
- The valve eccentrics were completed with the final machining and drilling.
- The link blades have been fabricated.
- The valve eccentrics have been mounted on the crankshaft.
- The link blades have been mounted to the eccentric straps and fitted to the reversing links.
- A paper model of the tank has been constructed and fit to the tender frame for aesthetic review.